How to Learn Chinese by Reading It, Even If You “Can’t”

Character components usually give clues for what the character means and how to pronounce the character. As with any language, the rules aren’t perfect, but they work the majority of the time. Although these components are not equivalents for English prefixes and suffixes, you may find it helpful to view them that way.

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Land That Job! How to Introduce Yourself in Chinese for Interviews

We put together a guide to introducing yourself in Mandarin for interviews. With a little help, you can prove just how talented you really are at this beautiful and challenging language. Luckily, introductions for interviews aren’t all that complicated in Chinese. At least, not much more than they would be in English. So it won’t be hard for you to make a great first impression and set yourself apart from the rest of the candidates.

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A Short List of Resources for Studying Chinese

When learning a language, it is important to combine extensive methods with intensive methods. Extensive methods rely on consuming a lot of relatively easily understood content and focusing on the general gist rather than nuance. When studying extensively, use context to learn new words or just quickly look them up and move on.

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How to Practice Your Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation

Speaking a language is essentially a behavior, and how do we learn behavior? By mimicry. A lot of the time when we can’t seem to get pinyin right, it’s because we’re not shaping our mouths or using our tongues the same way that native speakers do. Seeing and picturing the mouth movements of a fluent speaker is a visual lesson that everyone can use to get rid of English-speaking habits that challenge their progress.

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What’s The Differences Between Chinese And Amercian When They Make Hand Signs For Numbers 1–10?

Are you learning Mandarin? Do you want to learn some hip Chinese words popular on the internet, like “囧”? Do you know which Chinese word corresponds to “bump”? Curious? Learning some popular hip Chinese words should make your Chinese more native and trendy.

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